Archive for the 'Crayon Physics' Category

Indie Bundle on Direct 2 Drive

Friday, February 26th, 2010

Direct 2 Drive decided put together a new Indie bundle that features past & present IGF winners and finalists. Crayon Physics Deluxe is one of the 10 games on there. And the whole thing costs $29.95.

Here’s a list of all the games on the bundle:
World of Goo
The Maw
Crayon Physics Deluxe

If you don’t live in the US here’s a link for you that should work:

Happy Birthday Crayon Physics Deluxe

Thursday, January 7th, 2010

Even the monkey is happy about the Crayon Physics Deluxe birthday sale

Crayon Physics Deluxe is now 1 year old. I can hardly believe it.

In October Kyle and Ron did this experimental pay what you want sale for the 1 year birthday of World of Goo (most excellent game btw.). In the results of that sale they pointed out that they would like other developers to try this model as well to get a bunch of different results. I thought the 1 year birthday of Crayon Physics Deluxe was as good time as any to do this so here it is:

Pay what ever you like birthday sale for Crayon Physics Deluxe. You’ll get the full game if you pay anything. We accept all amounts of money. Pay 1 cent and you’ll get the game. Pay 5 dollars and you’ll make a me slightly happier man and you’ll get your game. Pay the usual 19.95$ and you’ll make me as happy as the chimp in that photo. The sale ends January 15th.

Crayon Physics Deluxe on Steam

Friday, May 8th, 2009

crayon physics on steam!
Crayon Physics Deluxe is now available at Steam for 19.99$.

In other news I’ll try to keep this blog updated and start doing monthly games again. I’ve actually done few games but I haven’t released them yet for various reasons. The biggest reason being that I don’t think they are that great games 🙁

Playground Update

Thursday, January 29th, 2009

Just a quick note. I updated Crayon Physics Deluxe Playground to include level sorting and such. More updates coming soonish.

In other news I decided to take the weekend off and travel to Copenhagen for the Nordic Game Jam. I’ll try to post some travel pics 🙂

Awesome Rube Goldbergish Solutions

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009

I came across these and they were tool cool not to be posted.

Crayon Physics – Castle Challenge from Highway6 on Vimeo.

Crayon Physics…. One possible solution from Highway6 on Vimeo.